Masist Gül; Schinkel Pavillon, 5th Berlin Biennale
May 22th – June 8th 2008
Schinkel Pavillion
Oberwallstrasse 1
101117 Berlin-Mitte
Masist Gül’s archive, containing the originals of Kaldırım Destanı–Kaldırımlar Kurdunun Hayatı (Pavement Myth–The Life of the Pavement Wolf) and various drawings, writings, photographs and books by the artist, was exhibited in 2008 at Schinkel Pavillon in Berlin during the 5th Berlin Biennale.
Exhibition display: Banu Cennetoğlu, Philippine Hoegen
Pavement Myth–The Life of the Pavement Wolf is part of the Bent series. To learn more about Bent books click here.